Use and Care Guide

Cleaning and Maintenance
Minimum adjustment
For natural Gas:
Light the burner and turn the knob to the
minimum position . Remove the gas tap
knob and turn the adjustment screw at the
side of the tap rod until the desired minimum
flame is achieved.
Refit the knob and verify that the burner
flame is stable (when turning the knob
rapidly from the maximum to the minimum
position the flame must not go out).
Repeat this operation on the remaining gas
taps on the cooktop.
For LP Gas:
Turn off the burners and unplug the
appliance from the electrical power supply.
For regulating the minimum with LP, the
screws at the side of the tap rod must be
turned clockwise all the way. Once the
regulation has been completed, replace the
seal on the by-passes using paint or similar
materials. Follow the instructions given in
point 9 to locate the adjustment screws.
Lubricating the surface burner gas valves
Over time, the surface burner gas valves
may become stiff or jam. Clean them
internally and relubricate. This operation
must be carried out by a qualified