Instruction manual

23 / EN
Cleaning and Maintenance
4.1. Instructions
High temperature inside the
oven after use
Danger of burns
Perform cleaning only after letting the
appliance cool down.
Improper use
Risk of damage to surfaces
Do not use a steam jet to clean the appliance.
Do not use cleaning products containing
chlorine, ammonia or bleach on steel parts or
parts with metallic finishes on the surface (e.g.
anodizing, nickel or chromium-plating).
Do not use abrasive or corrosive detergents on
glass parts (e.g. powder products, stain
removers and metallic sponges).
Do not use rough or abrasive materials
or sharp metal scrapers.
Failure to clean the oven could
adversely affect the life of the appliance
and pose a hazard.
Always remove food residues from the
oven compartment.
Improper user
Danger of explosion/ burns
Do not use detergents with high alcohol content
or which can release inflammable vapours.
Subsequent heating could set off an explosion
inside the appliance.
Before cleaning the microwave,
4.2. Cleaning the surfaces
To keep the surfaces in a good condition, they
should be cleaned regularly after use. Let them
cool first.
4.3. Ordinary daily cleaning
Always use only specific products that do not
contain abrasive or chlorine-based acids.
Pour the product onto a damp cloth and wipe the
surface, rinse thoroughly and dry with a soft cloth
or a microfiber cloth.
4.4. Food stains and residues
Do not use metallic sponges or sharp scrapers as
they will damage the surfaces.
Use ordinary non-abrasive products with the aid of
wooden or plastic utensils if necessary. Rinse
thoroughly and dry with a soft cloth or a microfiber
4.5. Cleaning the appliance
Outer surface
1. Clean the outer surface with a neutral
detergent, lukewarm water and a damp cloth.
2. Do not allow water to pass through the outer
1. After each use, clean the inside walls with a
damp cloth.
2. Do not allow water to enter the ventilation holes
of the microwave oven.
3. If it has been some time since the last cleaning
and the cavity of the microwave oven is dirty,
put a glass of water on the tray and connect the
microwave at maximum power for 4 minutes.
The steam that is released will soften the dirt,
which will be easy to clean with a soft cloth.
Important! The appliance should not be
cleaned with steam cleaning machines. The
steam may reach the charged parts and cause
a short circuit.
The most soiled stainless steel surfaces may be
cleaned using a non-abrasive cleaning product.
Then they should be rinsed with hot water and
dried well.
4. Clean accessories after each use. If they are
very dirty, steep them first and then use a brush
and a sponge. The accessories may be washed
in the dishwasher. Ensure that the rotating plate
and respective base are always clean.