Instruction Manual

Do not cut the inlet hose (see g. 5-06).
If the hose is cut, the dishwasher will not work, water will leak and you may be
If the hose is too long, wind it up tidily and place it behind the appliance.
The cable harness and electrical components must not come into contact with
the hydraulic system and the water inlet and drain hoses.
When connecting the dishwasher drain hose to the sink make sure that the
hose is not bent (ref. A g. 5-07) in order to prevent cracks or breakages that
could damage it.
Fig. 5-07
Fig. 5-06
Do not cut the inlet hose (see fig. 5-06).
If the hose is cut, the dishwasher will not work, water will leak and you may be
If the hose is too long, wind it up tidily and place it behind the appliance.
The cable harness and electrical components must not come into contact with
the hydraulic system and the water inlet and drain hoses.
When connecting the dishwasher drain hose to the sink make sure that the
hose is not bent (ref. A fig. 5-07) in order to prevent cracks or breakages that
could damage it.
Fig. 5-07
Fig. 5-06
esoh niard eht gni tcennoC 2.1.2
n i a r d a o t gn i t cennoC
Insert the relative hose into a drain with a minimum diameter of 4 cm (1-37/64”)
(ref. A fi g. 5-08); alternatively, place the hose on the sink (ref. B fi g. 5-08) using
the supplied hose support (see g. 5-9), but taking care to avoid obstructions
or excessive curving. Make sure the hose cannot fall out. For this purpose,
the hose support is tted with a hole (ref. A g. 5-9) which can be used to x
it to the wall or the tap with a piece of string. The free end must lie at a height
ranging from of 30 to 100 cm (from of 1-7/32” to 3-59/64”) (see g. 5-08)
and must never be immerged in water. If horizontal extension hoses with a
maximum length of 3m are used, position the drain hose at a maximum height
of 85 cm (3-11/32”) above the fl oor.
Fig. 5-08
min O4 cm
min 30 cm
MAX 100 cm
Fig. 5-9