User Manual

Project 16 Busy Circuit
Place one of the disco covers on the disco motor (DM) shaft. Note that both sides
of the support bar are “D-fit”. Turn on the slide switch (S1). An alarm sounds, the
disco motor spins & lights, the LEDs (D1, D2, & D10) light, and the programmable
fan spins and displays a message. Push the press switch (S2) several times to
display different messages. Place the circuit in a dimly lit room for best effects.
1. Change the alarm sound by connecting the red jumper wire across points X
& Y, or X & Z.
2. Make the disco cover spin faster by shifting the 2-snap wire across points A &
B to points B & C or points B & D. The blue, orange, & black jumper wires
must stay connected to the 2-snap wire.
WARNING: Moving parts. Do not
touch the fan while it is spinning.
This circuit has a lot
going on.
Disco Cover