User's Manual

Scope Multimeter Operations Navigation
Adjustments are made by tapping the item to be changed on the touch screen. A dash (–)
indicates a function that is not selected, and an icon indicates an active function (
Figure 8-15).
1— Peak Detect on
2— Filter on
3— Inverted trace
4— Coupling AC on
5— Sweep setting
6— Trigger setup
7— Trigger set on the rising slope
Figure 8-15 Sample data detail display
The following trace adjustments and settings are available:
Profile—switches the trace for the selected channel on and off.
Channel—opens a dialog box that allows you to configure the trace setup (see
Trace Controls
on page 81 for details).
Probe—opens a dialog box that allows you to select the type of test probe being used.
Peak Detect—maximizes the signal sampling rate in order to capture fast events, such as
spikes, glitches and other anomalies, that may normally be undetected.
Filter—smooths out the trace when the signal is disrupted by noise or other interference.
Inverted—switches the polarity of the displayed signal.
Coupling AC—subtracts the average value of the waveform by blocking the DC portion of an
input signal to amplify the AC portion. This makes small variations in the trace visible.
Scale—opens a dialog box that allows you to select the scale, which is the total value
displayed on the vertical axis of the display.
Sweep—the current sweep setting is shown in white at the end of the scale list, selecting
opens a dialog box that adjusts the sweep (see
Sweep Controls on page 83 for details).
Slope—only active when a trigger is set, indicates whether the trigger is set to activate on the
rising or falling slope of the trace. Tapping the slope icon switches the slope. The white dash