User's Manual

Draft 4/14/15- Do Not Distribute
Maintenance Diagnostic Tool
4. Once the protector is in place, use the microfiber cloth to work out any air bubbles. As an
alternative, a flexible straight edged tool can be used.
Installation Tip(s):
i To remove air bubbles, slowly work from the inside towards the edges. If large air bubbles are
trapped, it may be easier to carefully peel back the protector and re-apply. If air bubbles are
persistent, it is an indication that the screen and/or protector are not clean.
If visible dust is noticed trapped under the protector, peel back the protector and use the adhesive
side of a small piece of cellophane tape to remove the dust.
To peel back the protector once it is in place, use a small piece of cellophane tape stuck to a corner
of the front mask to lift the edge.
5. Once the protector is in place and air bubbles are removed, slowly remove the front mask
(Tab 2) (Figure 17-6). Lightly hold the protector in place (under Tab 2), when you start to
remove the front mask.
Figure 17-6 Removing front mask (Tab 2)
6. To complete the application, wipe the protector (using microfiber cloth) evenly while applying
light pressure.
If air bubbles appear at the edges, use the microfiber cloth or your finger to remove. Avoid using
any type of tool (e.g. small squeegee, plastic card, etc.) directly on the protector surface.