User's Manual

Draft 4/14/15- Do Not Distribute
Scan Module Operation Troubleshooting
5.5 Troubleshooting
The Scan Module is a wireless communications device that uses Bluetooth technology to transmit
vehicle data to the Diagnostic Tool without a physical connection. The working range of the
transmitter is about 30 feet (9.14 m). Scan Module operations can be impacted when signal
interference, or some other condition, disrupts or impairs the wireless communication network.
These interruptions are usually temporary and easily repaired.
Indicators of wireless communication interference include:
Slow Scan Module response accompanied by “Error 101” message.
Slow Scan Module response accompanied by “Error 404” message.
“Error Occurred” Message when trying to use the Scan Module.
“Error Occurred” Message after 20 or more minutes sitting idle, particularly if the devices have
been stationary.
5.5.1 No Communication Message
If the Scan Module is paired to the Diagnostic Tool and tries to communicate with the vehicle and
the Scan Module is not connected to the vehicle, a “Connect Data Cable” or “no communication”
message displays.
A signal lost due to moving out of range automatically restores itself when the Diagnostic Tool is
brought closer to the Scan Module. The Scanner sounds a tone when the signal is lost.
The following conditions cause a “no communication” message to display:
The Scanner is unable to establish a communication link with the vehicle.
You selected a system for testing that the vehicle is not equipped with (such as ABS).
There is a loose connection.
There is a blown vehicle fuse.
There is a wiring fault on the vehicle, or in the data cable or adapter.
There is a circuit fault in the data cable, Personality Key, or adapter.
Incorrect vehicle identification was entered.
Refer to the Vehicle Communication Software manuals for manufacturer-specific troubleshooting
5.5.2 Signal Loss / Out of Range Alarm
A signal lost due to moving the Diagnostic Tool out of range of the Scan Module will automatically
restore itself when the Diagnostic Tool is brought closer to the Scan Module. The Scan Module will
sound an audible tone when the signal is lost.
5.5.3 Checking Hardware Status
Verifying the Hardware Status is always the first step in troubleshooting a wireless connection