
Safety and OperationDecals
Reading this manual and the safety instructions it contains
will provide the basic knowledge necessaryto operate this
mower safely and effectively. However,severalsafety and
operation decals have also been placedon the mower as
a reminder of this important information during operation.
The decals noted below are located on the mower. The safety
warnings and operation instructions they contain should
be carefully read, understood, and followed. Not following
theseimportantwarningsand instructionscan resultin
seriousbodilyinjuryor death.
If any of these decals are lost or damaged, replacethem
immediately. Contactyour dealer for replacement decals.
Mower Start
Part No. 7104747
Mower Run
Part No. 7104745
Mower Stop
Part No. 7104746
Part No. 7101394
Part No. 7104744
KeepHandsand FeetAway
Part No. 7013010