ROTHER Instruction Manual

then take the gate output of the chaos brother and patch it into either the CV
input of your sequencer or the CV in of a clock divider!
using the threshold control and CV knob you can set the chaos brother to create
rhythmic offsets ...!
or when using with a few dividers and sequencers, you could set up some very
elaborate. "organic" patterns!
try using the Gate out of the dreamboat to drive one divider/ sequencer and the
gate out of the chaos brother to drive another all the while driving both modules
CV inputs with gate outs from respective dividers or sequencers.!
please see snazzyfx YouTube channel 4 examples of this technique!
(channel is SNAZELLE)!
AUDIO patch:!
Though at times it can be hard to hear without the proper speaker the Chaos
brother , like the dreamboat , can be used as an audio source .!
in the case of the chaos brother connect The X output jack to your mixer. then in
order to hear the signal make sure to turn chaos to 90 to 100% and turn speed
80-100 %.!
you should hear a very low rumbling sound!
one fun patch is to take this low rumble /put it through a distortion or a processor
like the Harvestman Malgorithm or the ARDCORE bit crusher program, then feed
it into a VCA. (or use the built in VCA on the tidal wave)!
now take the gate out of the chaos brother and patch it into an envelope.!
take the output of the envelope and patch it into your VCA.!
now you are gating the low rumbling sound with the chaotic gates.!