Replacement Part List

Section 10: Stability And Reactivity
Chemical Stability Stable under normal conditions.
Reactivity When heated to decomposition, emits toxic fumes. Toxic Gas.
Possibility of Hazardous Reactions Polymerization occurs with calcium chloride when mixed with methyl
vinyl ether.
Conditions to Avoid Direct sunlight. Extremely high or low temperatures. Incompatible
Incompatible Materials Strong acids. Strong bases. Strong oxidizers. Reactive metals.
Hazardous Decomposition Products Toxic gases. Hydrogen chloride. Chlorine. Sodium oxides.
Oxides of magnesium. Oxides of calcium.
Section 11: Toxicological Information
Acute Toxicity Not classied.
LD50 and LC50 Data Not available.
Skin Corrosion/Irritation Not classied pH: 10
Serious Eye Damage/Irritation Not classied pH: 10
Respiratory or Skin Sensitization Not classied.
Germ Cell Mutagenicity Not classied.
Teratogenicity Not available.
Carcinogenicity Not classied.
Specic Target Organ Toxicity (Repeated Exposure) Not classied.
Reproductive Toxicity Not classied.
Specic Target Organ Toxicity (Single Exposure) Not classied.
Aspiration Hazard Not classied.
Information on Toxicological Eects - Ingredient(s)
Sodium Chloride (7647-14-5)
LD50 Oral Rat 3 g/kg
LC50 Inhalation Rat > 42 g/m3 (Exposure time: 1 h)
Calcium Magnesium Acetate
LC50 Inhalation Rat > 4600 mg/m³ (Exposure time: 4 h)
Potassium Chloride (7447-40-7) LD50 Oral Rat 2600 mg/kg
Section 12: Ecological Information
Toxicity No additional information available.
Sodium chloride (7647-14-5)
LC50 Fish 1
5560 (5560 - 6080) mg/l (Exposure time: 96 h - Species: Lepomis macrochirus
[ow- through])
EC50 Daphnia 1
1000 mg/l (Exposure time: 48 h - Species: Daphnia magna)
LC 50 Fish 2 12946 mg/l (Exposure time: 96 h - Species: Lepomis macrochirus [static])
EC50 Daphnia 2 340.7 (340.7 - 469.2) mg/l (Exposure time: 48 h - Species: Daphnia magna [Static])
Potassium Chloride (7447-40-7)
LC50 Fish 1 1060 mg/l (Exposure time: 96 h - Species: Lepomis macrochirus [stactic])
EC50 Daphnia 1
825 mg/l (Exposure time: 48 h - Species: Daphnia magna)
LC 50 Fish 2
750-1020 mg/l (Exposure time: 96 h - Species: Pimephales Promelas [stactic])
EC50 Daphnia 2
83 mg/l (Exposure time: 48 h - Species: Daphnia magna [stactic])