MSDS for Soda-Club/SodaStream USA/Canada CO
Issue 08 Edited on: 28
October 2010 Page 4/6
Trade Name: SodaStream/Soda-Club / Alco
Jet Carbon Dioxide C
Form: gas Color: colorless Smell: odorless
Carbon dioxide is colorless and odorless as gas or liquid. It is stored in containers
under its own vapor pressure. If the pressure is suddenly relieved, the liquid
rapidly cools as it evaporates and sublimes, forming dry ice at -109.3°F (-78.5°C)
Security related data:
Melting point / Melting range: sublimated at -109.3°F (-78.5°C)
Point of ignition : no data
Fire supporting features: extinguishes fire
Density at 32ºF (0°C): 96.26g/l of 100% concentration of gas
Specific volume at normal atmospheric pressure: 0.547m
(547 litres)/kg at
70ºF (21.1ºC)
Solubility in water: 0.91 at 68ºF (20°C)
10 Stability and Reactivity
All data relate to carbon dioxide cylinders
Conditions to be avoided: heat, direct sunlight, blows, shock
Substances to be avoided
: the product is inert.
Hazardous decomposition products: none
11 Toxicological Details
Toxicological Examinations:
All data relate to carbon dioxide
Acute toxicity
Inhalation of this product may cause dizziness, an irregular heartbeat, narcosis,
nausea or asphyxiation. Lethal effect beginning at a concentration of 8-10% in
the air.
Irritating / Caustic effect
: None Sensitization: None