Operation Manual

9. Declaration of conformity
Soehnle herewith declares that this device is in compliance with the basic requirements and all other applicable
Although the appliance has been tested and its emissions do not exceed the permitted radio frequency emission
levels as laid down in the above directives, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in certain
situations. Possible interference can be detected by switching the appliance on and off at the same time as
• Point the appliance in question or its antenna in a different direction.
• Increase the distance between the appliance in question and the scale.
• If necessary, call in an experienced radio/TV engineer.
ignoring this regulation may result in the user’s permission to operate the appliance being withdrawn.
Electromagnetic inuences
the appliance, this may cause a detrimental effect to the display value. When the cause of the disturbance ceases,
the appliance can be used again as intended, or it may be necessary to switch if off and on or temporarily remove
the batteries. Subject to technical changes.
10. Disposal
Disposal of used electronic devices
household waste, but must be returned at a collection point for recycling electronic and electrical
Please contact your local community, your communal waste disposal companies or the store where you
bought the product.
Battery disposal
Batteries should not be disposed of with your regular household waste. You, the consumer, are obligated to return
used batteries. You can return used batteries to your communal collection points or wherever batteries of the
respective type are sold.
Pb = contains lead
Cd = contains cadmium
Hg = contains mercury