User Manual Part 2

Table Of Contents
Using Rapid Deployment
726 Check Point Safe@Office User Guide
Preparing the USB Flash Drive for Rapid Deployment
Before performing a rapid deployment, you must load the USB flash drive with the files
you want to install on the appliance(s).
To prepare the USB flash drive
1. For each appliance you want to deploy, create a folder named
<MACAddress>, where <MACAddress> is the appliance’s MAC address,
and the colons are replaced by underscores.
For example, if the appliance's MAC address is 00:11:22:33:44:55, the folder name
should be 00_11_22_33_44_55.
2. If you would like to deploy multiple appliances that share settings, create a
folder named deploy.
3. Prepare the files that you want to install on the appliances.
The files must be named according to the following table.
4. Add files containing settings that should be shared by all of the appliances to
the deploy folder.
5. For each appliance, add files containing settings that are specific to the
appliance to the folder named after the appliance's MAC address.
For example, if you want two Safe@Office appliances to share the same primary firmware
but to have different configuration files, you must prepare a single primary.firm file
and add it to the deploy folder. Then you must prepare two different
embeddedngx.cfg configuration files, and add one to each appliance's folder.
Table 146: Rapid Deployment File Names
This file... Should be named...
The primary firmware
primary.firm / primary.img
The backup firmware
secondary.firm / secondary.img