User Manual Part 2

Table Of Contents
Index 787
setting the time • 699
setting up • 67
status • 305
technical specifications • 763
Safe@Office appliance configuration
backing up to a USB flash drive • 719
exporting • 718
importing • 721
restoring from a USB flash drive • 723
Safe@Office Portal
elements • 79
initial • 71
logging in • 74
logging out • 619
remotely accessing • 77
using • 79
Secure HotSpot
customizing • 384
enabling/disabling • 382
quick guest users • 647
setting up • 381
using • 380
explained • 566
installing • 573
SecuRemote Remote Access VPN Server
configuring • 569
explained • 561
about • 31
configuring port-based security • 374
configuring servers • 357
creating firewall rules • 360
defining a computer as an exposed host •
firewall • 354
Secure HotSpot • 380
SmartDefense • 410
Security Log
resetting • 343
viewing • 343
security policy
about • 351
default • 353
enforcement • 352
implementation • 352
planning • 352
setting up • 351
Sequence Verifier • 442
serial console
controlling appliance via • 676
using • 676
configuring • 357
explained • 777