User's Manual

Viewing VPN Tunnels
178 Check Point Safe@Office User Guide
Table 24: VPN Tunnels Page Fields
This field… Displays…
The Safe@Office appliance Internet IP address.
The security protocol (IPSec), the type of encryption used
to secure the connection, and the type of Message
Authentication Code (MAC) used to verify the integrity of
the message.
This information is presented in the following format:
Security protocol: Encryption type/Authentication type
Note: All VPN settings are automatically negotiated
between the two sites. The encryption and authentication
schemes used for the connection are the strongest of
those used at the two sites.
Your Safe@Office appliance supports AES, 3DES, and
DES encryption schemes, and MD5 and SHA
authentication schemes.
The name and IP address of the VPN gateway to which
the tunnel is connected.
User The user logged on to the VPN site.