User's Manual Part 2

Using SmartDefense
230 Check Point Safe@Office User Guide
You can protect against Non-TCP Flooding attacks by limiting the percentage of
state table capacity used for non-TCP connections.
Table 38: Non-TCP Flooding Fields
In this field… Do this…
Action Specify what action to take when the percentage of state table capacity used
for non-TCP connections reaches the Max. percent non TCP traffic threshold.
Select one of the following:
Block. Block any additional non-TCP connections.
None. No action. This is the default.
Specify whether to log non-TCP connections that exceed the Max. Percent
Non-TCP Traffic threshold, by selecting one of the following:
Log. Log the connections.
None. Do not log the connections. This is the default.
Max. Percent
Non-TCP Traffic
Type the maximum percentage of state table capacity allowed for non-TCP
The default value is 0%.