Owner's manual

Click the Edit Output button for more details or to modify the generator.
6.4.1 Output Generator interface
The output generator is made of a multi-tone generator (up to five tones) and of a noise generator
(white noise and/or pink noise). Each part of the generator can be mixed to outputs 1 and 2.
Output Generator
Tone Frequency in Hertz.
This control sets the frequency of to tone to be generated.
Signal Level in percent of full amplitude.
The value of this level can be adjusted through the slide control or fine tuned
with the numeric control.
Pink Noise Cut-off Frequency in Hertz.
This controls set the frequency at which the power density of the pink noise
starts to fall (10 dB/decade). The default value is 100 Hz.
Output Mix
This control maps its part of the generator to the specified output.
Both parts of the generator can be summed to the same output, mapped to
different outputs or simply turned off.
Care should be taken to avoid output saturation. Each Level(%) can be adjusted to the full output
range (100%). When the signals are added at the output, there is a risk that the resulting signal