Owner's manual

1 Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of the Opus Suite Data Logger module.
The Opus Software Suite is a Sound and Vibration software. The current version contains six
measurement modules:
SLM 4-ch module : 4-channels, Class 1 (IEC 61672 and ANSI S1.43)
SLM & 3Vib module : 1 SLM channel (same as SLM 4-ch module) and 3 vibration channels
(ISO 8041 and ISO 2631)
Data Logger module
Building Acoustic module
Sound Transmission (ASTM E 336/ISO 140-4)
Reverberation Time (ISO 3382)
Speech Privacy (ASTM E 2638 and ASTM E 1130)
Building Vibration module (DIN 45669-1 and ANSI S2.46)
Intensity module (IEC 1043)
The Opus Suite is intended to run on a Concerto. The software can also be installed on a computer if
an Alto-6ch or an I-Track unit is connected. Moreover, some post-processing functions are available
on a PC even if no compatible unit is detected.
The current user’s manual presents the Data Logger Module.
General Specifications
4 analog inputs
Real-time acquisition and recording into .wav file format
Sampling rate from 4 kHz to 48 kHz
2 input dynamic ranges: +/-1.5 V and +/-6 V
24 bit resolution, 100 dB signal-to-noise ratio
3 input types: Direct DC, Direct AC and ICP
2 analog output
Multi-Tone, White Noise and Pink Noise generator mixable on
the 2 outputs
Output dynamic range: +/-3 V
Real-time display
Time Signal, Time History, FFT spectrum (instant, exponential
fast, exponential slow and average).
1 or 2 graphs display with 2 plots per graph.
In a Concerto unit, the range of inputs 1 and 2 are selectable but the range of inputs 3 and 4 are fixed at +/-
1.5 V.