
5.2 File Info
File Info
This indicator displays the actual DataSet ID.
These two buttons are used to open the previous/next DataSets in the Record
This indicator displays the next DataSet to be saved.
File Info Appearance Auto-Store Off (see section 8.3, p. 39)
No Current DataSet ID is displayed during a measurement.
The Next ID indicates the next DataSet to be saved.
At the end of the measurement the Next ID flashes red for
10 seconds, unless the user clicks the Save button.
If the DataSet is saved, the Current DataSet ID is updated
with the Next DataSet ID.
File Info Appearance Auto-Store On (see section 8.3, p. 39)
During a measurement, the Current DataSet ID indicates in
which DataSet the current data is saved. The Next DataSet ID
is disabled until the end of the measurement.
When the measurement is stopped, the Next DataSet ID is
enabled and indicates the DataSet ID in which the next
measurement can be saved.
5.3 Measure Info
Measure info
Indicates the average duration. Click on the indicator to modify the Leq Averaging
Time value.
Leq: Elapsed time since the beginning of the current averaging period.
Dataset: Elapsed time since the beginning of the current DataSet.
Since Start: Elapsed time since the start of the measurement.
When using the AutoStore Setup in Multiple Mode, a new average will start at
the end of each Leq period. Those average data are stored in a DataSet, which
may be referred as a data file. Also, a measurement is sometimes partitioned into
several DataSets (usually one day each) to avoid very large files and to facilitate
the post analysis (see section 8.2, p. 37).
Audio Recording State
Transparent background: Input active, but audio recording disabled.
Green background: Audio recording enabled, but currently not recording.