
The combination of the Base Path, Unit Serial Number and
Station Name form the record path on the FTP server.
The Unit Serial Number is related to the hardware used.
Therefore, it cannot be changed by the user.
When recording to the Web, up to 4 different averaging periods
can be enabled.
The Main one is also the averaging period seen elsewhere in the
module (Leq Average Time in the main panel of the module).
Therefore, it can be seen as duplicated controls of the same
parameter. The Main period cannot be disabled.
The 2nd, 3rd and 4th periods are entire multiples of the Main
period. Using these periods will avoid heavy data processing when
alternative periods are needed in a Web monitoring application.
The File Selection selects which measurement files will be
transferred to the Web.
When recording to the Web, the selected data are transferred.
The audio and photo files are optionally transferred. By default, all
files are transferred.
This indicators shows the network status (operational or not
Use this test button to validate the whole FTP transfer process
used in the Web mode. Data Format on the Web
Each measurement store on the Web has its own directory formed with the remote path (see the
FTP Setup) and the measure name. The measurement name is the start date and time of the
measurement with format YYYYMMDD_hhmmss (example: 20120831_14h56m15). So the full path of
the measurement directory should look like the following:
While measurements on the local drive are stored per DataSet folder, measurements on the Web are
stored per measurement. As on local drive, data are partitioned into DataSet files (new DataSet once
a day) but all DataSet files are stored in the same measurement directory.
The filename format of a DataSet is the
The Start time of the DataSet (YYYYMMDD_hhmmss)
The period number (Per1, Per2, Per3 or Per4)
The DataSet index (DS0, DS1, DS3, …)