User guide Owner's manual

User manual for the ZEN 3-channel X-LMS controller Soft dB inc.
4.2 Control path identification interface
The second step after setting-up of the controller (see section 4.1) is identification of the
control paths. Primary control path identification must be done first (control Primary
path identification). The main interface does not allow identification of the secondary
control path (control Secondary path identification) as long as primary control path
identification has not been done. Both primary and secondary control path identifications
are done using the same interface. Figure 15 presents this interface.
Figure 15: Control path identification interface
Control path identifications are done for each output, in sequential order. For the primary
control path in a three-channel case for instance, the Primary path identification function
will make the following three identifications:
1) Identification of control output #1 and reference #1: filter C1R1
ZEN User Manual p. 27