User guide Owner's manual

User manual for the ZEN 3-channel X-LMS controller Soft dB inc.
During the identification process, the user should pay special attention to be sure that the
number of coefficients used is adequate. This means that the energy at the end of the FIR
impulse response should be low (select the time tab on the upper graph of Figure 15). If
required, the number of coefficients can be increased in the configuration dialog box
(function Set-up General in the main interface).
At any time during the identification process, the user can click on the Reset filter control
to reset the current FIR model.
An advanced function can be used to reduce the noise during the identification process.
This function is a high-level average that can be used when the convergence is stable.
Then, the High Level Filter Average control can be set at ON to activated this averaging.
ZEN User Manual p. 29