User's Manual

SAG signal IPIP address of sag signaling connected to the BTS
SAG voice IPIP address of sag voice connected to the BTS
SAG ID: sag id connected to bts in digits
Signaling sending port: signaling sending port specified
Sag media port: media port specified
Sag signaling code: manner of signaling coding
Antenna type: omni-direction or directional
Network element type: the frequency range used by network elements; at present 4
types are available: 3.3 G, 2.4G, 1.8G and 400M
Network element name: name specified for BTS, with digits, letters and Chinese
Acceptable Network element ip: ip address specified to the base station
Network id: id assigned by carrier
Region id: in digits
Signaling receiving port: signaling receiving port specified
BTS media port: media port specified
BTS signaling coding: manner of signaling coding
EMS: name of the front-end processor connected to the base station
Fig 3-9: “Add Net Element” screen with input values filled in.