User's Manual

Cubase/Nuendo Tutorial
SSL UF8 User Guide
If you have multiple UF8s and have followed Steps 1-6 you will notice that, even though you have configured multiple Mackie
Controllers on different SSL V-MIDI Ports and clicked Apply, the UF8s in front of you are mirroring the same bank of tracks. This is
due to a peculiarity of Cubase's Mackie Control Setup. To correct this, please now do the following:
7. Change MIDI Input and MIDI Output on the first Mackie Control to SSL V-MIDI Port 2 and click Apply.
8. Change the MIDI Input and MIDI Ouptut on the second Mackie Control to SSL V-MIDI Port 1 and click Apply.
9. To make Cubase refresh the LCDs on UF8, press any of the Soft Keys in the V-POT bank such as FX Send or EQ.
10. Next, go to Studio > More Options and click on Mackie Control and Mackie Control 2, ensuring both small pop-up windows
that appear have Cubase selected, instead of Compatibility. This is important as UF8 has been designed to work with Steinberg's
latest implementation of the Mackie Control Protocol and must be in Cubase mode to ensure all features work as expected.
11. As a final step, go to Studio Setup > MIDI Port Setup and deactivate the In 'ALL MIDI Inputs' option for your SSL V-MIDI Ports
and click OK. This will ensure that MIDI Instrument Tracks set to receive from ALL MIDI Inputs do not pickup MIDI data from UF8.
STEP 7 : Select the first Mackie Control and
change it to be configured for SSL V-MIDI
Port 2.
STEP 8 : Select Mackie Control 2
and change it to be configured for
SSL V-MIDI Port 1.
STEP 9 : Force Cubase to update
UF8's LCD Screens by changing
V-POT assignment mode on UF8
e.g. press FX SEND.
STEP 10 : Ensure that the Mackie Controls are configured for 'Cubase' mode, via the drop-down available in the 'Studio' > 'More
Options' menu.
STEP 11 : Disable In 'ALL MIDI Inputs' for SSL V-MIDI Ports