User's Manual

Cubase/Nuendo Tutorial
SSL UF8 User Guide
Page Keys
The PAGE < > keys allow you to move through the various parameter pages that are available within each
V-Pot assignment mode (or 'Parameter Group' as Cubase refers to them). The current page selection is
displayed on UF8's LCDs.
UF8's PAGE < > are actioning the same MCU commands that are referred to in Cubase's MCU implementation document as
CHANNEL < >. The action is the same but on UF8, we chose to label the keys differently.
Pressing the FLIP key switches the functions of the V-Pots and faders. This is useful for various reasons,
including tasks such as controlling Send levels or Plugin parameters on the faders instead of the V-Pots.
Fader Bank Keys
Number keys 1-8 provide access to Cubase's MCU Fader Bank 1-8 commands (you can ignore the
SEND / PLUGIN label as this applies only to Pro Tools / Logic UF8 profiles).
By default, this means that keys 1-8 apply your first 8 Channel Visibility settings to the UF8 surface.
With the FINE / SHIFT key held, keys 1-8 apply specific channel types (Audio, Groups, FX Channels,
MIDI etc) to the UF8 surface.
Please reference Cubase Remote Control Devices documentation for more information.
Channel Key
This key serves no purpose for Cubase profiles on UF8 and is therefore disabled.