User's Manual

Confidential & Proprietary 68/136
Basically, the common part of BIU should have shelves and it should be equipped with MCDU
to combine and divide TX/RX signals, MPSU to supply devices with power, MCPU to inquire
and control state of each module and Power Cable to supply power from external rectifiers.
In addition, MDBU can be inserted and removed to provide services for desired band (Optional).
5.1.2 BIU Power Cabling
BIU has -48V of input power. This unit should connect DC cable with the Terminal Block seen at
the rear of BIU.
Terminal Color of cable Description Remark
-48V Blue color -
GND Black color -
NC Not Connected -
Before connecting the power terminal, you need to connect "+" terminal of Multi Voltage Meter
probe with the GND terminal and then connect "–" terminal with -48V to see if “-48Vdc” voltage
is measured. After the check, you need to connect the power terminal with the terminal of the
terminal block seen below.