User's Manual

Confidential & Proprietary 10/28
Signals with a plurality of service provider transmit simultaneously
Support multi-operator in a band
Compact design
Upgradable design
Easy installation and maintenance
Web Based SNMP or GSM Modem or UDP support (Optional)
2.2 SMDR-NH124
ROU receives TX optical signals from ODU or OEU and converts them into RF signals. The
converted RF signals are amplified through High Power Amp in a corresponding RDU,
combined with Multiplexer module and then radiated to the antenna port.
When receiving RX signals through the antenna port, this unit filters out-of-band signals in a
corresponding RDU and sends the results to Remote Optic Module to make electronic-optical
conversion of them. After converted, the signals are sent to a upper device of ODU or OEU.
ROU can be equipped with up to three RDUs (Remote Drive Unit) and the module is composed
of maximal Dual Band.