User's Manual

Confidential & Proprietary 116/139
-20dBm 0dB -9dBm 11dB +1dBm 21dB
-19dBm 1dB -8dBm 12dB +2dBm 22dB
-18dBm 2dB -7dBm 13dB +3dBm 23dB
-17dBm 3dB -6dBm 14dB +4dBm 24dB
-16dBm 4dB -5dBm 15dB +5dBm 25dB
-15dBm 5dB -4dBm 16dB +6dBm 26dB
-14dBm 6dB -3dBm 17dB +7dBm 27dB
-13dBm 7dB -2dBm 18dB +8dBm 28dB
-12dBm 8dB -1dBm 19dB +9dBm 29dB
-11dBm 9dB 0dBm 20dB +10dBm 30dB
-10dBm 10dB
Edit Naming of a port and set it as a desired character string (up to 12 characters).For example,
the figure below shows a screen when you set “SPRINT” for port 1 and “T-MOBILE” for port 2.
Use various upper/lower limits. The following table shows recommended limit settings:
Item Recommended Limit Remark
TX IN HIGH ALM 15dBm Alarm
TX IN LOW ALM -25dBm Alarm
RX OUT ALC 0dBm Auto Level control
As such, when you finish setting normal input levels and alarm limits, check if the value of
MODULE FAILUER LED Indicator is lit green (Normal case).