User Manual

Problem Possible cause Solution
Machine doesn't
Machine is not switched
on or power plug is not
plugged in.
Short circuit / power out-
let is without power.
The espresso machine is
Make sure the main power plug is
plugged into a power outlet, the
ON/OFF button has been pressed and
the buttonframes are lighting up blue.
Check the power supply.
Contact Solis service center.
Coffee does not or
only slowly run out
of the portafilter
Water tank is empty.
The water tank is not
installed correctly.
Coffee is ground too
Too much coffee in filter
Ground coffee is tamped
too strongly.
Filter insert is clogged up.
The machine is set to
steam / hot water mode,
meaning the steam mode
button has been pressed
(the steam mode button
is lighting up or blinking
and the coffee mode but-
and are not
lighting up).
The espresso machine is
Fill water tank.
Correctly install the water tank.
Ensure appropriate degree of grinding.
Ensure appropriate amount.
Tamp ground coffee less strongly.
Clean the filters.
Press the steam mode button again
and wait until all buttons are lighting
up blue.
Contact Solis service center.
Coffee runs
through too
Coffee is ground too
Too little coffee in filter
Ground coffee is not
tamped strong enough.
Ensure appropriate degree of grinding.
Ensure appropriate amount.
Tamp ground coffee more strongly.
Problem Possible cause Solution
Coffee is cold. Cups not pre-warmed.
Machine is not pre-
Milk not hot enough
(for Cappuccino or Caffè
Pre-warm cups with warm water.
Let water run through the appliance
with the inserted portafilter (with filter
but without ground coffee) for approx.
20 seconds before extracting the first
coffee to warm up all appliance parts.
The temperature is right when the bot-
tom of the milk jug is too hot to touch.
Water is pooled
under the espresso
The drip tray is filled with
The espresso machine is
Empty and clean drip tray.
Contact Solis service center.
The espresso tastes
of descaling
solution or sour.
No rinsing process
was performed after
The ground coffee was
stored in a warm, humid
room for extended
periods of time and is
Rinse the espresso machine multiple
times as described in “Before first use”.
Always use freshly ground coffee and
store the unopened packs in a cool, dry
room. After opening, reseal the pack
as airtighly as possible and best store
in the fridge.
The steam fails to
steam the milk.
The steam mode button
has not been pressed / is
still blinking.
The milk jug is too big
or the jug shape is
You have used skimmed
The machine is only able to produce
steam after reaching its operating tem-
perature. The steam function is active,
if the steam mode button lights up blue
while the coffee mode buttons
are simultaneously turned off. The
steam / hot water control has to be
turned on to the maximum position.
Always use a tall, slim container ideally
made from stainless steel.
Use unskimmed or semi-skimmed milk.