Quick Start Guide

Last Update: 1/4/21
Applications Manual for Sound Recording with iOS
© 2020 Sonic Presence, Inc. / All products US and International Patent Pending / sonicpresence.com
6c. Apogee MetaRecorder(coming soon)
6c. TwistedWave
Audio Recording Appsampling frequency up to 96kHz, 24-bit output file size.
FIRST: plug the USB Camera Adaptor Cable into your iOS device.
SECOND: plug the SP15 into the Camera Adaptor Cable.
THIRD: launch the App. Following this procedure will ensure your device recognizes the SP15.
TwistedWave’s Main Screen shows waveform displays, large meters, transport buttons at the bottom of the screen and
the time code display at the top.
The meters do not monitor the Microphone Input until you start recording, so the best way to set recording levels is to hit
Record(red button) and then immediately hit Pause. This puts the App in Input Monitor Mode. An Input Gain (Mic
Volume) control appears at the bottom of the screen. You can now adjust your Recording Level using the meters as your
guide. The Input Gain control is not calibrated, so there is no reference point for repeating exact levels. However, the
meters in this App are easy to read and are remarkably accurate. Once you have the signal level adjusted properly, hit
Pauseagain to start Recording.