Quick Start Guide

Last Update: 1/4/21
Applications Manual for Sound Recording with iOS
© 2020 Sonic Presence, Inc. / All products US and International Patent Pending / sonicpresence.com
We set the input level control to the center position, which gave our 120dB SPL acoustic test signal a reading ‘+5dB on the
front meter. You can see from the record and playback readings in the table they follow our generator level very closely.
That means this App exhibits good signal linearity, which means that changes in the Output Level accurately follow changes
in the Input Level. The meter scale differs somewhat from the test values, but this is due to the positioning of the graphics.
In our opinion, this is an accurate meter for setting record levels. The analog output level measured at the headphone jack
also shows very good linearity.
GarageBand Mic Volume = center
scale yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow red red
scale marking -20 -15 -10 -6 0 +3 +5
generator mV rms 8 na 26 60 120 145 170
calculated level in dB 26.5 na 16.3 9.0 3.0 1.4 0
PB level dB(analog) -27 na -16.5 -9.2 -3.2 -1.5 0
reference acoustic level 94dB SPL 120dB SPL