Quick Start Guide

Last Update: 1/4/21
Applications Manual for Sound Recording with iOS
© 2020 Sonic Presence, Inc. / All products US and International Patent Pending / sonicpresence.com
1. SP15 Spatial Microphone™
Sonic Presence captures sound with stunning realism. It’s as if you are there. The sound is a perfect match for today’s
mobile devices, especially the latest 4K/HD models. What’s been missing up until now is the ability to capture sound with
a realism that matches the picture. The SP15 Spatial Microphone solves the problem. You’ll capture the sounds of live
concerts, shows, band rehearsals and those special moments as if you are there.
Our engineers developed Sonic Presence by taking a fresh, new approach to sound recording using mobile devices. We
asked the question: Why are sound files so one dimensional when our sense of hearing has a fantastic ability to locate
sounds coming from all around us?
Research in the field of cognitive psychology tells us the Head Related Transfer Function (HRTF) and its associated time
and level differences are critical for cueing our mind’s auditory perception. Yet traditional microphones and the way
they’re engineered into mobile devices do not adequately capture this function. We’ve replaced them with our SP15
Spatial Microphone. It embeds the HRTF into the file while you’re making the recording, so it captures sound the way you
hear it.
When you play back a Sonic Presence file your mind detects the perceptual cues. The sound image expands outside your
head and beyond. Left, right, in front, above and behind you’ll hear the full 360-degree soundstage all around you. We’ve
engineered our SP15 Spatial Microphone to capture live audio signals the way your mind has evolved to process them.
We feed your ears the perceptual cues that lets your mind recreate the audio image. The result is incredibly realistic; it’s
as if you are there.
You wear the VR15 Spatial Microphone on your ears. You become the sound engineer. It’s made of a malleable material,
so you can shape it to fit your own ears. The slip-on design is comfortable to wear and very discrete. It’s shockproof,
waterproof, and it plugs directly into your mobile device’s charging port*. Plug-in, go wild!
*Adaptors sold separately. iPhone: Lightning to USB Camera Adapter. Android: Micro USB to USB-A Female OTG Adapter.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Recordings you make with Sonic Presence are strictly for your own personal use. You may not sell the
recordings or use them for any commercial purpose unless you first obtain the permission of the performers and the copyright
owners. Doing so without their permission may be a violation of law.