Quick Start Guide

Last Update: 1/4/21
Applications Manual for Sound Recording with iOS
© 2020 Sonic Presence, Inc. / All products US and International Patent Pending / sonicpresence.com
We suggest you start with the Mic Volume set to its mid position just to the right of the cursor. (see screen photo). That’s
the setting we used for our tests with good results. You adjust the signal level with the slider control using the meters as
your guide. Here is a graphic to illustrate the settings we used in our tests. The center of the range aligns just to the right
of the waveform display’s cursor. Here we show three relative gain settings.
0 + ++ +++
We found that the 0-gain setting near the center works best for recording live music concerts. You can use the + and ++
gain settings for recording voice or softer, acoustic instruments. The setting +++ should be used with caution because it
can cause distortion due to clipping. The control is not calibrated, so there is no reference for repeating exact levels,
although the App remembers your last setting.
You access the full menu of controls by pressing the “gear” icon at the bottom right of the App’s Main Screen.