Quick Start Guide

Last Update: 1/4/21
Applications Manual for Sound Recording with iOS
© 2020 Sonic Presence, Inc. / All products US and International Patent Pending / sonicpresence.com
Before hitting the Create Audio File, you select the Format. Here are the formats you can choose for your output file.
You can repeat the Create Audio File process for each type of file you want to output. Now when you go to the iTunes File
Finder, the files will appear in the Røde folder. If you selected the WAV file Format, the shorter files will be WAV, while
longer files will be in CAF Format. Don’t panic, CAF files are compatible with WAV files.
Meter check and Level Test
We ran our tests with the Mic Volume (Input Gain) set to the center position or “0”. We use this gain setting as a reference
point. You can see from the following table that the Input Gain is adjustable over a wide range. In fact, the range is too
wide for the small size of the slider control. Be cautious when making adjustments, since a slight nudge can make a big
change. We strongly suggest you leave the Input Gain in the center position most of the time. If the sound is extremely