Quick Start Guide

Last Update: 1/4/21
Applications Manual for Sound Recording with iOS
© 2020 Sonic Presence, Inc. / All products US and International Patent Pending / sonicpresence.com
Here you can see the input Source is set to Sonic Presence. Just above the Input Source you have the Mic Volume slider
(Input Gain). You should set this to “0” for most situations. That’s the level we chose to calibrate this App for our tests. At
the top of the screen are the meters, which are switchable to VU or PPM. This is everything you need to set your levels
before pushing Record.
FIRST: plug the USB Camera Adaptor Cable into your iOS device.
SECOND: plug the SP15 into the Camera Adaptor Cable.
THIRD: launch the App. Following this procedure will ensure your device recognizes the VR15 USB-C.
The Voice Recorder Pro 7 App automatically detects and switches to Sonic Presence when you follow our procedure. If
you don’t see Sonic Presence as the source, try running the “Calibrate Engine” in the Utilities menu. You access this menu
by clicking the “gear” icon on the upper right.