Quick Start Guide

Last Update: 1/4/21
Applications Manual for Sound Recording with iOS
© 2020 Sonic Presence, Inc. / All products US and International Patent Pending / sonicpresence.com
2. Making a Great Sound Recording - by Russ Hamm
People ask me why is it so difficult to make a great sound recording? I know the challenge well. When I started out as a
young sound engineer, I struggled to find answers to questions like: what’s the right placement for the microphones? How
many microphones do I need to use? How do I set levels, so I don’t get distortion? It’s a steep learning curve.
Then one day I sat down in the studio and just listened to the sound of the instruments. It was an enlightening experience.
So simple. There was “air” in the sound and a three-dimensional quality with dynamics that I could never capture with
traditional microphones. It was an experience I would never forget. And it planted the seed, which years later, grew into
Sonic Presence and the SP15 Spatial Microphone.
Sonic Presence captures sound exactly as you hear it. The recording is a perfect replica of what your ears hear and what
your mind remembers. You don’t need to learn any special, new techniques. Just listen with your ears. Position yourself
where you like the sound you hear. Hook the SP15 on your ears and press “record.” Sonic Presence will take care of the
technical stuff. You’ll make a great sound recording.
Recording Jazz, Pop and Rock bands playing live in clubs is a passion of mine. There is nothing like capturing a performance
with a live audience reaction. If you’re using an iPhone, choose an App like Camera or Twisted Wave. For Android try Open
Camera or Field Recorder Pro. Either choice will record stunning audio. You’ll get best results if you position yourself 6 to
15 feet (2 to 5 meters) from the performers. For soloist performers like an acoustic guitarist or a violin recital, it’s better
if you get a little closer. Not too close though, because you’ll want to capture the acoustics of the room that’s so important
to the sound of these instruments.
Recording Music lessons and Band rehearsals for instant replay is another great use of Sonic Presence. Have you ever
heard yourself play? How good do you really sound? How’s your technique? Sports players study hours of replays to
perfect their skills. Now musicians can do the same. Hook the SP15 on your ears and push “record.” Sonic Presence will
make a great sounding recording of your performance. You can play it back instantly while the memory is fresh in your
mind. Reality often differs from what we remember, but a recording doesn’t lie. Replay is your personal teacher that tells
you the truth and helps you improve your skills.
Symphonic Orchestra recordings present a formidable challenge. You’ve probably noticed the forest of microphones for
live broadcasts. Sonic Presence eliminates this complexity. Recording an orchestra is as simple as finding a good seat 6 to
10 rows from the conductor. Hook the SP15 on your ears and press “record.” You’ll capture the full dynamic range of the
performance from the delicate sound of the wood winds to the thunder of the percussion and brass. It’s like being there!