User's Manual Part 4

Page 64 SonicWALL SonicOS Standard Administrator’s Guide
10. If there is a secondary RADIUS server, type the appropriate information in the Secondary Server
11. Click the RADIUS Users tab.
12. Select the default privileges for all RADIUS users in this section.
Access to the Internet (when access is restricted) - If you have selected Allow only
authenticated users to access the Internet, you can allow individual users to access the Internet.
Bypass Filters - Enable this feature if the user has unlimited access to the Internet from the LAN,
bypassing SonicWALL Web, News, Java, and ActiveX blocking.
Access to VPNs - Enable feature to allow the user to send information over the VPN connection with
authentication enforcement.
Access from the VPN Client with XAUTH - Enable this feature if the user requires XAUTH for
authentication and accesses the SonicWALL via a VPN client.
Access from L2TP VPN client - Enable this feature to allow the user to send information using a
L2TP VPN Client with authentication enforcement.
Limited Management Capabilities - Enabling this feature allows the user to have limited local
management access to the SonicWALL Management Interface. This access is limited to the following
pages: General (Status, Network, Time); Log (View Log, Log Settings, Log Reports); Diagnostics
(All tools except Tech Support Report).
13. Click Apply, then click the Test tab.
14. Type in a valid user name in the User field, and the password in the Password field.
15. Click Test. If the validation is successful, the Status messages changes to Success. If the validation
fails, the Status message changes to Failure.