User's Manual

Add contact: You can add a contact to the MT
Contacts list by entering the name and number
of the contact or through phonebook.
Add group: You can enter a name and add a
new group to the MT Contacts.
Rename group: You can change the name of
an existing group.
Delete group/Leave Group: You can delete a
group created by you in the MT Contacts. You
cannot delete a group created by others. If the
group is not created by you, then Leave Group
option is displayed. At your discretion, you can
leave a group created by others.
MT settings: You can set the availability status,
alerts, name, acceptance, sort and so on. For
further details, refer “MT Settings” on page 79.
Contact Invitation
You can at your discretion decide to join another MT
Contacts list. You receive an invitation every time another
contact attempts to include you in the MT Contacts
list. This invitation pop-up is displayed only when Auto
Accept is disabled. For futher details refer “Auto Accept”
on page 79
When a contact attempts to include you, the receiver
receives a pop-up Pending Invitations. Select Options
and the following options are listed:
Accept: You can immediately accept the invitation
and allow the initiator to include your contact details
to the MT Contacts list.
Defer: Select this to postpone the acceptance of the
request. In this case, the request is saved in Menu
> MoviTalk > MT Menu > Pending Invitations. You
can select a pending invitation and select Options
to view the details of the invitation, accept the
invitation, postpone the acceptance, and reject an
Reject: Select this to reject an invitation and the
initiator receives Contact rejected your invitation
Manage MT Contacts
Your MT contact list is a list of members whom you want
to either call or chat with, outside the GSM network. Your
contact list can be created freshly or copied from your
existing list of contacts in your phone book. You can add,
edit, delete or call a contact.
1. Select Menu > MoviTalk > MT Contacts. The list of
contacts and groups are displayed.
2. Select a Contact in the MT Contacts and then
select Options to view the Contact Options. The
following contact options are listed:
Quick Group: You can quickly make a call to
many contacts. For further details, refer “Quick
Group Call” on page 71.
Call me Alert: You can send a call me alert
message to the selected contact. For further
details, refer “Sending Alerts” on page 74.
Add contact: You can add a new contact to
the MT Contacts list. You can also select a
contact from phone book and add it to the MT
Contacts list.
Add group: You can add a new group and also
include a new member to the group.
Movitalk (MT) PTT Service