User's Guide

Problem Causes Solutions
I cannot switch my Roger
microphone on.
The battery is empty.
Charge your Roger microphone for at least two hours.
I cannot hear sound from my
Roger microphone.
Your Roger microphone is muted.
Unmute your Roger microphone by pressing the center button for
2 seconds.
Your Roger microphone is locked. Switch to automatic microphone mode or ensure you lock the
microphone in the appropriate mode.
Your Roger receivers are not
connected to your Roger
Hold your Roger microphone close to each Roger receiver or Roger
compatible hearing aid and press the ‘Connect’ button.
Your Roger receiver is not working. Make sure you have attached the Roger receiver to your hearing aid
and that it is powered on.
Your hearing aids are not set to the
correct program.
Check that your hearing aids are set to the correct program (Roger/
I can hear the talker but I
cannot understand what he/
she says
The microphone is too far from the
Move your Roger microphone closer to the talker‘s mouth.
The microphone openings are
covered by ngers.
Hold the microphone in a way that the microphone openings are not
The microphone openings are
covered by dirt.
Clean the microphone openings.
The Roger microphone mode is
Switch to automatic microphone mode or ensure you lock the
microphone in the appropriate mode.
15. Troubleshooting