User Manual

68 Messaging
send option which means that you choose the settings
each time you send a message.
Message type – The phone supports different types of
messages. Your service provider may offer the facility of
converting a text message into a format (email or fax, for
example) that suits the equipment that is going to receive
the message.
Validity Period – If your message cannot be delivered,
for example, if the recipient has turned off the phone,
your service center can save the message to send it later.
Reply Request – Include a reply request if you want the
recipient of your message to reply.
Status request – Check if a message has been delivered.
To set a default value for the options above
1. Scroll to Messages, Options, SMS.
2. Select the option you want.
3. Select Set Default.
4. Select your default value from the list.
To turn Set on send on or off
1. Scroll to Messages, Options, SMS.
2. Select the option you want.
3. Select Set on send.
4. Select On or Off.
List of Options
When you select a message in the Inbox by pressing
SELECT, you can see the following list of options by
pressing : Delete, Reply, Forward, Save, Call,
Mail To, Save [number], Save Picutre, Save Melody, Go
To [WAP address], Read Next.
To delete a message
There are two ways to delete a message:
1. Select Delete in the list of options.
2. In the Inbox menu, scroll to a message and press
CLR to
delete the message.
To reply to a message
1. Select Reply in the list of options.
2. Select the way you want to reply to the message:
enter a new message
include the message you want to reply to and enter a
use a template and enter a reply.
You can also reach a list of options in the Unsent
or Sent items menus, by pressing after
selecting a message. Then scroll to Proceed? and
press SELECT.