Assembly Instructions

1 (3)
Company Internal
Prepared (also subject responsible if other) No.
SEM/BGUDBB, Niklas Lövberg 151 86–SVV 107 447/1 Uen
Approved Checked Date Rev Reference
SEM/BGUDBB (Niklas Lövberg) 2006-06-22 C
Approved according to 000 21–LXE 107 42/1
V630i, KRH-label, TYPE: AAD-3022042-BV, Made in...
1 General information
The format of the label is based on a label SVF 930 2406 (40,4 x 31,4 mm).
If applicable, or nothing else specified, Zebra printer Scaleable Smooth
Font CG Triumvirate Bold Condensed is imposed. When needed, the text is
adjusted to fit the label.
All bar codes, when applicable, are according to Ericsson corporate
standard 102 01–109 Uen. All bar codes shall fulfil minimum print quality C
according to ANSI X3.182-1990 as stated in Ericsson corporate standard
102 01–1003 Uen. No bar codes are allowed to be closer to a label edge than
2 mm! (quiet zone).
“(x/y)” under each line number specifies the bottom / left alignment for text,
graphics and bar codes, x is measured vertically, and y horizontally from the
upper left corner of the label (landscape format), both in mm. When needed,
the alignment is adjusted to fit the label.
The label shall be placed on the back of the telephone according to the
Assembly Drawing (151 88-) for the KRH.
2 Printing information
Content Format
Line 1
SIM-card logo
Graphics, height 7,3 mm.
According to 1424-SVF 930 1418.
Rotated 90° Clockwise.
Line 2a
Sony Ericsson stylized name.
Graphics, height 2,0 mm.
According to 190 89–EN/LZT 108 5347
Line 2b
Model name, “V630i” Text, height 1,2 mm.
Line 2c
Product number of the DPY kit in
which the phone is packed. Printed
without R-state,
“DPY 101 0000/000”
Text, height 1,2 mm.
Line 3a
Type number of the phone (KRH),
“Type: AAD-3022042-BV”.
Text, height 1,2 mm.
Line 3b
HW & SW fields,
Text, height 1,2 mm.
According to the 3/151 86- document in
the 1095- for the SVV.

Summary of content (4 pages)