Instruction Manual

If the substance leaks out from the internal
battery, do not make it contact with your
skin of face or hands, clothes, etc.
Doing so may cause injury etc. on your eyes or
If the internal substance gets into your eyes,
mouth, etc. or contacts skin or clothes,
immediately rinse the contacted area with
clean water.
If the substance gets into your eyes, mouth,
etc. immediately see a doctor after rinsing.
To use the terminal in car, check with
automobile manufacturer or dealer to
determine how the device is affected by
radio waves before using.
In rare cases, the radio wave from the terminal
may affect the vehicle's electronic equipment
in some vehicle models. In that case, stop
using the terminal immediately.
If abnormalities on skin are developed by
using the terminal, immediately stop using
and take medical treatment.
The use of the terminal may cause itching,
rashes, eczema, or other symptoms
depending on the your physical condition.
For material of each part, see the following.
P. 1 7 " M a t e r i a l l i s t "
Make sure not to get metal objects (blade of
cutter, staples, etc.) adhered because
magnetic parts are used on the earpiece/
speaker, speaker (lower left of the back side),
vibrator (lower right of the back side) of the
Such adhered objects may cause injury etc.
Keep the equipment out of the reach of
children, people who needs to be
supervised, etc.
The terminal (including the supplied
accessories) contains magnets. If he or she
swallows the magnet, it may cause
suffocation, or serious symptom resulting from
hurt of bowel etc. When he or she swallowed
the magnet, consult a doctor immediately.
Do not let it close to medical device.
The magnets used for the terminal (including
the supplied accessories) may affect medical
devices such as a pacemaker, pressure variable
shunt for hydrocephalus curing, etc. Do not let
the terminal close to persons who use such
medical devices. If you are a user of such
medical device, consult your doctor before
using the terminal.
Watch the display in an adequately bright
place taking a certain distance from it.
Watching in a dark place or closely may
reduce visual acuity etc.
3. Handling the adapter
Do not use the adapter cord if it gets
Doing so may cause fire, burns, electric shock,
DC adapter is only for a negative ground
vehicle. Do not use DC adapter for a positive
ground vehicle.
Doing so may cause fire, burns, electric shock,