
Table Of Contents
Making selections
You must select events before you can move or edit them.
Selecting an event
Click the Draw Tool button (
Click an event. The event is highlighted.
Selected event
Selecting multiple events
You have several methods for selecting multiple events:
Press Ctrl or Shift while clicking events.
Use the Select All on Track command.
Use the Select Events to End command.
Use the Select All command.
Use the Selection tool.
Working with events
In this section, you’ll learn about basic event editing techniques such as cutting, copying, pasting, trimming, splitting, and joining
Prior to performing the procedures in these sections, verify that the Ripple Edits function is turned off. Ripple Edits are an
extremely powerful editing option and their scope is beyond that of this chapter. Verify that Ripple Edits is not selected in the
Options menu.
Copying events
Copying an event, a time selection, or event within a time selection places an exact copy of the selected event(s) on the clipboard,
but leaves the timeline unchanged. Events copied to the clipboard can be pasted in the project an unlimited number of times. In
addition, clipboard content remains on the clipboard until replaced by new content.
Select the event data you want to copy or make a time selection. For more information, see Making selections on page 20.
Click the Copy button ( ) (Ctrl+C) on the toolbar.
Pasting events
The clipboard’s contents can be pasted in a project an unlimited number of times. However, an event is always pasted in the track it
was copied/cut from. In addition, pasting the contents of the clipboard over an existing event results in the pasted event
overlapping the existing event. To avoid pasting over existing events, you have two options:
Use the Paste Insert command.
Turn on ripple editing.
When events are cut/copied to the clipboard and subsequently pasted into a project, the time data inherent in the cut/copied
events is maintained and pasted as well. For example, if you select two events on the same track that are separated by five seconds
of silence, copying and pasting these events results in the five seconds of silence also being pasted into the project.
Original events
Pasted events
20 | CHAPTER 4