
You cal_ create yore own video program by editing with any other _. 8 mm. HiQ-" I]i8, _,'_lsVItS, S_,'_ S-
Vt {S, vlls[] VH_, SLvII_,I_ S-VHSC, Betamax or _ ED Betamax VCR that has video/audio inputs.
Alter ¢omlecting the camcorder to the VCR (p. 18),
{'1) Turn the POWEI< switch to PLAYEI'{.
(2) Insert <1blallk tape (c_r a tape you want to record over) into the recordin!., VCR Then il'_,;ert vom
lec_Ided lat',t into I]le cannorder.
(3) Plax back the _e_ oidcd tape on the camcorder until yt_u lot<ire the point wheJe you w,ml to start
editing Then set the c<linct)rder to playback pause mode
(4) Set the recording VCR to recording pause mode.
(5) Press II on the camcorder and VCR simultaneously to start editing.
To Edit More Scenes
Repeat sh,ps 3 t_ 5.
To Stop Editing
Press STOP on the camcorder and VCR.
Use of the EDITSEARCH button
To play back a tape ip. the forward or reverse direction keep pressing EDI°PSEARCH during playback
pause You can play back slill pictmes successively at specific intervals b, pressing EDITSEARCH