
Moisture Condensation
If the eamcorder is brought directly from a cold place to a warm place, moisture may condense inside the
camcorder, on the surface of tile tape, or on the tens. If this happens, the tape may stick to the head drum
and be damaged or the camcorder ]nay not operate correctly. To prex ent possible damage under these
circumstances, the camcorder is furnished with moisture sensors However, take the following
Inside the Camcorder
If there is moisture inside the camcorder, the beep sounds and the [] indicator or the DEW lamp flashes.
If this happens, none of the function except cassette ejection will work. Open the cassette compartment,
turn off the camcorder, and leave it about t hour. When A indicator flashes at the same time, the cassette
is in_'rted in the camcorder. Eject the cassette, turn off the camcorder, and leave also the cassette about 1
_.1 I I/
On the Lens
No indicator will appear, but the picture becomes dim. Turn off the power and do not use the camcorder
for about 1 hour.
How to Prevent Moisture Condensation
When bringing the camcorder from a cold place to a warm place, put the camcorder in a plastic bag and
allow it to adapt to room conditions over a period of time.
(1) Be sure to tightly seal the plastic bag containing the camcorder.
(2) Remove the bag when the air temperature inside it has reached the temperature surrounding it (after
about 1 hour).