Help Guide

Help Guide
Digital Still Camera
Face Detection
Detects the faces of your subjects and adjusts the focus, exposure settings and performs image processing
Menu item details
Does not use the Face Detection function.
On (Regist. Faces):
Detects the registered face with higher priority using [Face Registration].
Detects a face without giving higher priority to the registered face.
Face Detection frame
When the product detects a face, the gray face detection frame appears. When the product determines that
autofocus is enabled, the face detection frame turns white. When you press the shutter button halfway down, the
frame turns green.
In case you have registered the priority order for each face using [Face Registration], the product automatically
selects the first prioritized face and the face detection frame over that face turns white. The face detection frames of
other registered faces turn reddish-purple.
You cannot use the Face Detection function with the following functions:
[Picture Effect] is set to [Posterization].
Record Setting] is set to [120p]/[100p].
Up to eight faces of your subjects can be detected.
The product may not detect faces at all or may accidentally detect other objects as faces in some conditions.
4-698-613-11(1) Copyright 2017 Sony Corporation
(Camera Settings1) → [Face Detection] → desired setting.