User's Manual

Using a USB Keyboard
Connecting an optional USB keyboard to the transmitter
allows you to perform menu operations and enter your
name and password for the encrypted transmission
function from the keyboard.
A Micro USB connector is used on the transmitter. For this
reason, use the supplied USB adapter cable.
Menu operations with a USB keyboard
You can use a USB keyboard to perform the same menu
operations that you do on the transmitter.
The transmitter buttons correspond to the following keys
on a USB keyboard:
To enter a text
With a USB keyboard, you can enter names and passwords
for encrypted transmissions.
Characters that can be entered from a USB
keyboard: (space), 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D,
E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X,
Y, Z, !, #, &, $, @, +, -, =, _, (, ), [, ]
(Passwords may consist of the numbers 0 to 9 and letters A
to Z only.)
Special key: Backspace (BS) and Delete (DEL) keys.
The number keys on the keyboard cannot be used.
This transmitter is compatible with English-language
keyboards only.
USB keyboards with multiple functions, such as USB
hub and pointing device, cannot be used.
Power to the connected keyboard is supplied by the USB
connector on the transmitter. The power rating is
100 mA. Keyboards that consume more power than that
cannot be used.
Do not leave the transmitter connected to the keyboard
when not in use. If you do, the batteries in the transmitter
will be drained more quickly.
Text editing should be done with the alphabet, BS, DEL,
and Enter keys.
Basic Menu Operations
Press the + or – button repeatedly until the function to
be set appears.
Hold down the SET button until the item to be set
Press the + or – button to change the setting.
Press the SET button to enter the setting.
Types of menu:
NAME (transmitter name) setting
BAND (frequency band) selection
GP/CH (group/channel) selection
RF POWER (RF transmission power) setting
INPUT LEVEL (audio input level) setting
LCF (low-cut filter) setting
POWER SAVE setting
BATTERY TYPE (battery type) setting
TIME (accumulated use time) indication
+48V (+48 V power supply) setting
ENCRYPTION (encrypted transmission function)
CODEC MODE (audio codec mode) setting
MAX RF POWER (maximum RF output power) setting
INTERNAL SG (internal signal generator)
POWER SW LOCK (POWER switch lock) function
RF REMOTE (wireless remote control) function
BRIGHTNESS (display brightness) setting
DIMMER MODE (automatic dimming of the display)
FACTORY PRESET (factory setting) function
VERSION (software version) indication
Buttons on the transmitter USB keyboard
+ R
USB adapter cable
Function name
Item to be set