User's Guide

qa Object sensor
Indicates the distance between
AIBO and the object pointed to by
the + mark in the Camera monitor
qs Light button
Each time you click this button, the
headlight function switches on or
off. When the function is on, the
retractable headlight on the ERS-
220 lights up.
Only available on ERS-220 (page
qd Album button
Displays the Album window (page
qf Capture button
Click this button to capture the
current scene from AIBOs camera
as a still-picture (page 29).
qg Sub panel indicator
Click to close the Sub panel. Click
again to open the Sub panel again
(page 17).
qh Camera angle screen
The angle of AIBOs camera is
indicated by the yellow lines. The
location of the pink ball is indicated
when it is detected (page 27).
qj Camera angle buttons
Finely adjusts AIBOs camera
angle (page 27).