User's Guide

4 3D AIBO view button
Click to change the perspective of
the 3D image. Only the perspective
of the image changes; AIBO itself
does not move.
View home position button
Resets the perspective of the
3D image of AIBO to the
home position.
Set the home position in the
Properties dialog box (page
View pan button
Shifts AIBOs 3D image.
Drag the mouse in the 3D
AIBO screen to shift the
View rotate button
Rotates the 3D image of
AIBO. Drag the mouse to
view AIBOs current posture
from another perspective.
View zoom button
Zooms in and out on the 3D
image of AIBO.
5 Header buttons
Make AIBO do a heading action
(page 39).
6 Kick buttons
Make AIBO do a kicking action
(page 39).