Tutorial Guide

Lesson 6 Advanced Course
In this course, we give you hints to help you create more
attractive AIBO actions!
A thorough knowledge of Action Composer use is naturally essential,
but in the end, the key to creating good works will be your knowledge
of AIBO’s features and your personal sense of design.
Motions, sounds, and LEDs are the three parts that make up
the whole!
A good action uses AIBO’s motions, sounds and LEDs at the same
A simple action can be made more attractive merely by the addition
of LEDs or sounds.
Real-life testing!
It is best to try out an action on AIBO, rather than just previewing it
on a PC.
Keeping balance is the key!
Even after you’ve created a action and previewed it on the PC, AIBO
will, in many cases, fall down when it actually performs the action.
This is because balance has not been calculated. If, for example, you
incline AIBO’s body to the left before it raises its right leg, AIBO will
remain stable. As you create motions, it is recommended that you to
copy parts from the sample files and verify motions on AIBO via a
wireless LAN.
The “sleep” pose is AIBO’s most stable posture, so it’s easier to
create motions based on it.
Example: Motions using the sleep pose
It would be fun to have AIBO stretch out its back legs and kick them
as if swimming!
Before stretching out the legs, you have to raise the paws off the
ground and then stretch the legs out backward. If you try to stretch
legs without raising the paws first, the paws will drag along the
ground, making it hard for AIBO to stretch out its legs.
Tips for creating actions
The file “lesson6.mtn” is provided
in the Materials folder as a sample,
so please refer to it.